A growth partner for growth-minded entrepreneurs

Responsible Value Creation is a fundamental part of Evolver’s brand promise and a guiding core principle for all our investment activities.

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Our mission

Our mission is to act as a catalyst for growth and continuous improvement within our companies. By using the right strategy, management and tools, we unlock the company’s intrinsic potential.

The hands-on value creating work that we execute in close cooperation with the company’s management team increases the value of the company and creates opportunities for an exceptional return for its owners.

Personal i lokalen

A trusting partnership

Our fundamental view is that progress is achieved by the creativity, drive and endurance of people. Our companies create value through a close and trustful cooperation between the management teams, board members and owners, where the experience and knowledge of every person is utilized and refined. Openness to new ideas, continuous learning and sharing of knowledge are vital and inspiring parts of our work.

The value created in our companies extends far beyond our ownership period. We want to be a part of the development of sustainable companies that give positive and lasting effects for many people.

Johan Porko och Lasse Kittelsen


Johan Porko and Lasse Kittelsen founded Evolver, the first Private Equity firm on the Åland Islands, in 2009. The aim was to work with co-financed expansion investments in owner-led companies.

The idea of co-investing is nothing new on the Åland Islands. Its 19th century history is characterised by farmer voyages, where people from different farms and villages worked together to transport their goods to the closest cities’ markets. As a result, the farmers became co-owners in the shipping companies that were founded. The combining aspects of competency, capital and a co-operative working model lead to the creation of new entities that were much larger than the sum of their parts. A foundation was set that helped both the shipping business and the Åland society to flourish.

The farmer voyages eventually abated, but the tradition of sound and profitable cooperation lives on. This is a tradition that we at Evolver embrace and respect.
During the period 2010-2018, Evolver executed almost thirty corporate transactions including eleven platform acquisitions and six exits.

As of 2019 Evolver acts as the General Partner for its alternative investment funds.